Linda Mainwaring

Linda Mainwaring

Business Name BodyB Fitness

What problems does your business solve? I help women over 40, flip the bird to hormonal imbalances and self doubt, by showing them how to live a fabulous life with increased energy, confidence and health. I encourage clients to quit fad dieting, and understand that a realistic and holistic approach to their health and wellbeing, is the best way to get their body and life back.

Whatโ€™s something that you wish you had known before getting into business? I wish I had known more about the basics of running a business, such as bookkeeping, paying taxes and managing my time, and that ,investing in a business coach would have helped me enormously.

Tell us something about you that most people donโ€™t know? That I was an unfit ,overweight ,sugar addicted, asthmatic smoker covered in eczema, before I became a Health &Fitness Coach.

Please provide your short business bio to be featured in our Membership Directory I spend time with each client, finding out about their health, fitness and wellbeing goals. Each client has a personalised program that will support them in reaching those goals, whether it is to do with nutrition, movement or lifestyle changes. They will have my support and encouragement to live their BEST life. I offer one on one sessions, either in person or virtual, and also Managing Your Menopause- 8 week Online Healthy Reboot Program that is offered periodically throughout the year.

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Linda Mainwaring

Linda Mainwaring

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