Amy Jackson
Amy Jackson
Business Name Nurturing Confidence
What problems does your business solve? We help people recognise and understand the work they need to do to get more out of others. We help people develop and sustain effective Self-Management – so they can help and lead others. My work and services facilitate people to shift unhelpful behaviours, working with their real-world issues, helping them to step up into becoming the leaders the world needs them to be. Our online programs help managers and small business owners - people trying to make things happen through other people – by providing practical tools to build their people-ing toolkits, and strategies to practise using those tools, to build their confidence.
What’s something that you wish you had known before getting into business? I wish I'd known the importance of investing in the business, and collaborating with people with other skill sets to mine. My business grew so much faster once I chose to invest in it. And not only from investing my own time, money and effort, but from other people using their skills and experience to grow my business. That genuine collaboration - it's not about ‘do I work for you, or do you work for me?’ But ‘how do we serve each other as clients?’. I think that's the bit that I wish I'd known because, wow - I accelerated faster when I did that! The other thing I recommend to everyone now is finding your baseline income. I wish that I knew it sooner so that I didn't question myself about it - about whether I was on the right path. Finding your baseline income is key if you're a small business. You need to find a stable core piece of income - something that is in the general space that you're doing and where you want to go, so you can stop fretting about winning every deal. Once you’ve got the baseline, you can hone in on what you want to be doing, and be searching for those ideal clients. It's much easier to search for the ideal clients when you've got a baseline of work coming in, so you feel you have enough financial security to take the bigger risks. So, find the thing that is aligned with where you're heading - it maybe isn’t the ideal yet, but does let you start earning money. But then - be really careful not to let it overtake the business - because that's the easy option, and then you don’t get to grow in to the work that you really want to do.
Tell us something about you that most people don’t know? I’m a recovering perfectionist. I used to pride myself on making everything I did the best it could be, and I feared feedback. I feared what it would do to put something out that wasn't perfect. I recognised that wasn’t serving me. Now I’m constantly pushing myself to put things out in the world that are ‘done, rather than perfect’ and I’m open to what learning opportunities that creates for me. I recognise that my impact is in my contribution and participation, not in my perfection.
Please provide your short business bio to be featured in our Membership Directory Amy Jackson is a qualified and experienced leadership coach, facilitator, and speaker. Since 2006, she has helped emerging leaders gain more confidence, think more strategically, and manage themselves more effectively. Specialising in highly interactive and pragmatic learning experiences, Amy focuses on building the confidence and resilience needed to stand out as an effective leader in complex, high-stress workplaces. Her clients include - Queensland Government Depts of: Communities Housing & Digital Economy (CHDE), Energy & Public Works (EPW), Employment, Small Business & Training (DESBT) - Federal Govt: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Environment Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) - Brisbane City Council - as well as private individuals, including company Leaders, Partners, Associate Professors and Senior Managers across a broad range of industries. With her affordable online courses, individuals and small businesses can access her growing bank of Leadership Tools and complete them in their own time, at their own pace. "My mission is to help people achieve their potential so that they can lead bigger lives that change their world. This comes from my fundamental belief that the world would be a better place if more people stepped up to bravely do what they know is right rather than what is easy and safe every day."
Other information you would like to share When managers lack empathy, and don't think strategically, organisations end up not being able to perform at their best or deliver what they need to. People don’t meet each other’s expectations, frustration bubbles through teams, and we avoid conversations, escalate things rapidly, or end up in conflict. We don’t get the best out of our people or our businesses. Some organisations are great at doing technical training, or sending people on leadership training courses, but not so good at giving people the feedback they need, or the opportunities to practise applying their learnings in ways that embed and change behaviour, so they can genuinely manage and lead their people more efficiently. We give people time and a place to facilitate fast and deep relationship-building and collaboration. This is a very efficient way to make space for people to learn and reflect on their leadership behaviours, in ways that improve the way they work, as individuals and within organisations.
Amy Jackson
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